December 2nd & 3rd, 2023

[Basic] 5 things you need to know before an 80-minute cycle marathon.

The 80-minute cycle marathon is an event where teams work together to see how many laps they can complete around a course in 80 minutes.
What kind of preparation and running style will help you achieve a good record?

Here are ‘five’ ways you can start now to enjoy and complete the race.

1. firstly, “pedal for the same time as the race”.

The minimum you need to do is ‘pedal for the same time as the race’. You can do this during indoor training, but it is best to do it outdoors, preferably on a ‘group ride’ with a group of friends.

2. group rides can make you stronger while having fun.

The best place to keep pedalling for a long time is somewhere you can ride all the time, such as a riverside cycle track. This can be done on an indoor trainer, but it is important to ride. This session is 80 minutes long, so if two people take part, they will ride for 40 minutes. The first step is to work on improving your endurance to the point where you can run at the same pace for 30 minutes or more, so take your time and work on this at weekends when it is easier to find the time. If you are running for more than two hours, remember to replenish your energy and hydrate!

Group rides of two or more people are recommended for training. Riding with more than one person allows you to go faster over longer distances and save energy by sharing the wind pressure. Another benefit of riding in a group is that you can see what is going on around you and get tips on how to ride. The experience of riding in a group will lead to riding in a group at events and races, so make the most of the opportunity.

Indoor training is also an effective way to get stronger, but prioritise group rides when you can. Riding long distances with friends naturally builds endurance. Please note that it is against the law to ride two or three abreast on public roads. If you want to try this kind of group riding, you will need a closed, dedicated course, but the Challenge Race in Ajista is a great opportunity to experience this kind of parallel group riding!

Riding alone makes you stronger, but it is harder to get better. That’s why it’s important to ride with more than one person. Races and events are a good place to practise group riding.

3.Think about the distribution of riding between team members.

First, find out how good your team members are. The rule is to take at least one shift. If there are two team members, one shift can last up to 40 minutes; if there are five team members, four shifts can last up to 16 minutes. Decide beforehand how much time will be given to everyone to run at a good pace, for example, by extending the running time of those who are fastest in the group.

4.Deciding the running order is part of the fun

In cycle marathons = enduro events, there tends to be a large group in the early part of the race and a smaller group in the second half. It is also part of the fun to consider the order of the riders according to the composition of the group, e.g. who can ride longer in the group in the early stages, when it is difficult for major developments to occur, and who is strong and can ride at a fast pace alone in the latter stages.

The timing of the changeover will also be adjusted according to the development of the race. Even if the changeover time has been set, there may be cases where a rider returns to the pits early due to problems or other reasons. Those preparing for the next run should be ready to go immediately.
Although things will inevitably get hectic during the changeover, don’t forget to recharge your batteries before the race. Make sure you have an easy to consume energy source or drink before you set off so that you don’t run out of energy during the race.

Changing riders in the pits is done by changing the ‘timing chip’ attached to your ankle; if you are in a team of three or more, the standby team member should assist you to minimise the changeover time. Working together in the pits is also an important part of the marathon.

5. check the weather on the day of the race.

Be prepared for ‘low temperatures’ for the Ajista Challenge Race in December. Take measures to keep your body cool while you wait. Windproof winter cycling clothing is best. Longer clothing, such as an overcoat, even if warm, can hinder your pedalling and be dangerous. Gloves and accessories to protect your ears and face are also effective against the cold. It is also a good idea to have warm drinks available in the pits.


Registration is open until 31 October! First come, first served. (Click here to go to the entry website)
